Best Tips for a Successful Interview

Take note on some of the following tips that you can apply whenever you are invited for a job interview:

1. Be sure of the time and venue of your interview. This is often overlooked due to overexcitement.  Write the date on your planner or on your mobile phone.  There are companies who are not anymore accepting applicants who are late on the interview or those applicants who request for rescheduling of interview.

2. Read something about the Company. This is tremendously important.  This is for you to have some inputs in case the interviewer asks for your knowledge about the company.  Have the articles printed and keep on reading until you are really familiar with the Company. 

3. Be on your corporate attire. Wear something formal but not too formal.  Be sure you are comfortable when wearing it to avoid uneasiness during the interview. 

4. Be on time. Go to the venue early so that there will be a time for you to relax yourself and prepare for the answers to the questions that might be asked.  Here are some of the questions that you should at least be confident to answer:

a. How would you describe yourself?
b. What are your strengths and weakness?
c. Are you willing to work overtime in the company?
d. What do you know about the Company?

5. Be confident. Have that energy in you which is pleasing and think of happy thoughts.  What you think is usually reflected on your face.  Be the first to greet the interviewer and be the first to offer the handshake.  It creates an impression that you are confident and enthusiastic about the interview and ultimately getting the job.  Do not sit, until the interviewer tells you to do so.  This, on the other hand creates an impression of “respect.”

6. Listen attentively to the interviewer. Be focus on what the interviewer is asking.  If the question is not clear to you, you may ask her/him to repeat the question.  In case you are out of words, pause for a moment and regain your composure.  Do not talk to fast.  Pronounce your words clearly.

6. Thank the interviewer and smile.  At the end of the interview, thank him/her for the opportunity of being interviewed.  Do not be discouraged on the wrong things that you mentioned.  Stay calm and stay happy.

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